Significant Practices and Dental Habits During Pregnancy
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Significant Practices and Dental Habits During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting experience for an expectant woman. Your body undergoes several changes, some positive and others not so great. One of the things that are impacted during pregnancy is your oral health. Therefore, you need proper oral health care from a dentist near you. Read on to learn about some dental habits during pregnancy.

How Does Pregnancy Affect Your Oral Health?

Proper oral health care is crucial for everyone, particularly pregnant women. While pregnant, you need to focus more on your oral health for your and the baby’s well-being. Below are ways pregnancy impacts your oral health.

  1. When pregnant, your body releases increased amounts of progesterone and estrogen hormones. They aid in the growth and development of the baby. However, hormones increase your risk of dental health issues like pregnancy gingivitis and tumors. The hormones also temporarily loosen the tissues and bones that keep your teeth in place. As a result, the Summerland dentist can perform a dental extraction.
  2. Most women experience changes in their eating habits. They usually crave foods that affect their oral health. For instance, they may take more sugared treats, increasing their risk of caries. They may also crave things that harm their teeth, such as ice.
  3. Practicing proper oral hygiene during pregnancy is not easy. Some women have an aversion to toothpaste during pregnancy. Others have a strong gag reflex that causes them to vomit when brushing. Another group develops tender gums that bleed when brushing. As a result, their oral health suffers greatly.
  4. Vomiting and nausea are common during pregnancy. As you vomit, acids from the stomach contact your teeth leading to enamel erosion. Therefore, your teeth will weaken and become more prone to decay and cavities.

Why Should You Cultivate Proper Dental Habits During Pregnancy?

While pregnant, your risk of oral health problems increases. For instance, you are more prone to gum diseases, tooth decay, cavities and tooth loss. Although most of these issues can be resolved during pregnancy, others persist even after giving birth. Treating them will cost you money and time.

In addition, these problems can affect your pregnancy and unborn baby. For example, gum disease is linked to miscarriages and preterm births. When a baby is born too early, they develop several health problems. Most have hearing and eyesight issues.

Therefore, it is crucial to cultivate healthy oral habits. They involve daily healthcare practices at home and the dental office. Inform your dentist of your pregnancy as soon as possible. They will provide appropriate treatments to help you maintain a healthy mouth. In addition, they will advise you on caring for your mouth, teeth and gums properly while at home.

Proper Practices and Dental Habits During Pregnancy

  • Clean your teeth properly

Cleaning your teeth properly each day prevents plaque from forming. Consequently, you will avoid tooth decay, cavities and gingivitis. Maintain great oral hygiene by brushing and flossing. Brush at least twice a day with a brand of fluoride toothpaste. If you retch while brushing, consult your dentist for helpful tips.

  • Use mouthwash

Use an antibacterial mouthwash that contains fluoride to rinse your mouth every day. It will reduce bacteria in the hard-to-clean parts of the mouth, preventing plaque formation. A good mouthwash will also reduce the amount of acid in your mouth and remineralize your teeth. Therefore, the acids will not erode your enamel as you vomit due to nausea.

  • Increase your calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium and vitamin D helps develop strong, healthy bones for you and your growing baby. Therefore, you should eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. They include dairy products, soy, almonds, eggs, and cereals. Also, you can request your doctor or obstetrician to prescribe suitable supplements.

  • Eat right

Eating the right foods is crucial for good oral health. It helps protect your teeth and aids in developing your baby’s teeth. Therefore, ensure that you take a healthy balanced diet and avoid sugary treats as much as possible.

  • Visit the dentist regularly

Do not skip dental checkup appointments while pregnant. In fact, you should visit your dentist more frequently. The expert will help you achieve and maintain optimum oral health for the benefit of you and the developing baby. For instance, at Summerland Dental Centre, they do dental cleanings, treat gingivitis and prevent decay. Schedule an appointment for excellent oral health care during this joyous season in your life.

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